Murray: I'm ready for spotlight; Patrick's travails thrust lt. governor forward.

Byline: Mark Melady

Lt. Gov. Timothy P. Murray said last night that Gov. Deval L. Patrick's decision to reduce public appearances to help care for his depressed and exhausted wife will not detract from his ability to govern.

"He's doing what he should be doing and that's tending to his family," Mr. Murray said, "but he'll be at work tomorrow (Monday) directing and leading the administration."

In a three-sentence statement released Saturday night, Mr. Patrick announced that his wife, Diane, was ailing, and that he would cut back on his workload to be with her.

Yesterday, the governor's spokesman said Mr. Patrick would continue to discharge his duties, but would reduce night and weekend activities and that Mr. Murray "will occasionally represent the governor at public events."

"Everyone knows that being governor is a 24-7 job," Mr. Murray said, "but that doesn't mean he needs to be at every event." Mr. Patrick is "one of the hardest-working and engaged people" he has ever known in public life, Mr. Murray said.

What an expanded role for Mr. Murray and others in the administration might entail will become clearer as the week unfolds, but Mr. Murray said he and the governor's team were prepared "to do whatever needs to be done.

"During the campaign and from the day after the election, the governor has had me at the table," Mr. Murray said. "I've been giving input and feel I'm up to speed. The governor has surrounded himself with a good team," Mr. Murray said, referring to the cabinet and the governor's executive staff. "He'll let us know what we need to do and we'll do it."

Mr. Murray and cabinet members will go before legislative committees and make the case for the governor's budget. "We've spent hours and hours with cabinet secretaries and the administration and finance team working on the budget and everyone knows how to advance the agenda," he said.

Mr. Murray said he was informed by the governor of his wife's health problems late last week.

"Diane Patrick is an incredibly talented woman," Mr. Murray said. "We will support her in any way we can. Elected officials know they are going to go through tough times, but the collateral damage to your family is very hard to take. I would just ask that people give the Patrick family privacy and respect."

Mr. Murray, who attended the St. Patrick's

breakfast and roast at an Elks Lodge in Worcester yesterday, said the people who brought up Mrs. Patrick yesterday offered only "kind words and support. I...

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